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Congress 2017 Resources

Canadian Youth & Justice Presentations

Full Conference Program

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Keynote Address: Tony Doob – The Road to an Effective Youth Justice System in Canada

Presentation: “Canadian Youth Justice: A Canadian Success Story” by Anthony N. Doob (University of Toronto) in collaboration with Jane B. Sprott (Ryerson University) and Cheryl Marie Webster (University of Ottawa)


Keynote Address: David Mitchell, Assistant Deputy Minister, Youth Justice Services Division – The Evolution and Transformation of Youth Justice in Ontario


Concurrent Sessions (A)

A1. Improving Outcomes for High Risk Youth: Police, Probation, Community & Research Partnerships

Presenters: Adrienne Peters, Elisabeth Leroux, Mick Maicantis and Annie Smith

Presentation: “Youth and Police in the Community” by Eisabeth Leroux (Carleton University) and Nick Maichantis (Toronto Police Services)

Presentation: “Partnership to improve youth health outcomes in British Columbia, Canada by Annie Smith (McCreary Centre Society)


A2. Radicalization of Young People through Social Media/Online

Presenters: Dr. Hieu Van Ngo, Bradley Galloway and Maria Mourani

Presentation: “Understanding and Countering Violent Extremism: A Collaborative Approach” by Sgt. Kelly Gallant (Toronto Police Service) and Scott Mckean (City of Toronto)

Presentation: “Recruited & Radicalized Online: Youth & Violent Extremism in Canada” by Bradley J. Galloway (University of the Fraser Valley)


 A3. Making Mental Health Services Work for Youth at Risk

Presenters: Mike Taylor and Marla Banning, Dr. Patricia Erickson, Dr. Evelyn Vingilis, Dr. Shannon Stewart and Dr. Hayley Hamilton

Presentation: “Youth Justice Interventions in Ontario – Learnings from Youth Justice Collaboratives” by Marla Banning (CAMH)

Presentation: “The Niagara Youth Court Screening Initiative (NYCSI)” by Marla Banning (CAMH) and Mike Taylor (Youth Resources Niagara)


A4. Making a Difference with High Risk Youth

Presenters: George Myette, Peter Brown, Scott MacDonald and Peter Banks

Presentation: “7th Step & Youth” by George Myette


A5. The Lived Impacts of Cyber-Bullying and Child Pornography

Presenters: Mihael Cole and Lisa Belanger


A6. What to do? Extremism and Radicalization in Adult Corrections – A Federal and Provincial Perspective

Presenters: Mark Parisotto, John Ilika and Andrea Moser

Presentation: “Radicalized Offenders in the Correctional Service of Canada: An Overview of Research and Implications of Corrections” by Andrea Moser, Ph. D., C. Psych. Correctional Service Canada


Concurrent Sessions (B)

B1. Youth Crossing Child Welfare & Youth Justice Systems: How to Stop Failing these Youth

Presenters: Michelle Bain and Anthony Piscitelli

Presentation: “The Cross-Over Youth Project” by Matthew Eaton-Kent and Heather Kere Quelleng (Ryerson University)

Presentation: “Crossover Children in Waterloo Region” by Anthony Piscitelli


B2. Using Evidence Based Policies for Crime Prevention/Intervention

Presenters: Donna Smith Moncrieffe and Ben Vuong

Presentation: “Evidence-Informed Programming and the use of Innovative Evaluation Techniques” by Donna Smith-Moncrieffe, Public Safety Canada

Presentation: “Federal Offenders, Previous Youth Court Involvements and Release Outcomes” by Ben Vuong (Correctional Service Canada)


B3. Specialized Populations and Racial Equality

Presenters: Dr. Scott Wortley and Dr. Remi Warner

Presentation: “Towards a Framework for Measuring and Combating Systemic Racism” by Akwatu Khenti, Assistant Deputy Directorate, Cabinet Office, Government of Ontario

Presentation: “Race-Based Data Within the Youth Justice System: Benefits, Challenges and Policy Options” by Professor Scott Wortley, PhD, Centre of Criminology and Socio-legal Studies, University of Toronto


 B4. Examining Youth Justice with an International Lens

Presenters: Russell Smanych and Arianne Schlumpp

Presentation: “Learning ‘from each other’s experience’: Benefits of Systematic Cross-jurisdictional Research on Youth Justice System Reform” by Russell Smandych (University of Manitoba)

Presentation: “Youth justice in Australia” by Arianne Schlumpp (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare)


 B5. Creating Networks: The Key to Improving Youth Justice Outcomes

Presenters: Gord Boyd, Gord Irving and Cindy Murphy with Moderator: Tim Veresh


B6. The Etiology of Youth Gangs with French Translation

Presenters: Claudie Bourget, Marylou Bosse and Shawn Mitchell

Presentation: “The SAJ Project: Youth Gang Reduction in Quebec” by Marylou Bosse and Claudie Bourget

Thursday, October 27, 2017

Keynote Address: Youth Radicalization: New and Emerging Challenges

Presenters: Fowzia Duale Virtue, Provincial Youth Outreach and Madah Yusuf

Presentation: “Youth Radicalization” by Fowzia Duale Virtue and Madah Yusuf


Concurrent Sessions (C)

C1. Serious Violent Offences and Complex Mental Health Needs: Intensive Rehabilitative Custody & Supervision (IRCS) Order

Presenters: The Honourable Justice Perkins-McVey, Dr. Jeff Wong and Robin Trombley


C2. Supportive Youth Housing: An Unforgotten Key to Safe Re-Integration

Presenters: Karen McGavin and Lisa Harris

Presentation: “A Developmentally Supportive Youth Housing Model: Roofs for Youth” by Lisa Harris

Presentation: “Customized Housing Solutions for Homeless Youth” by Karen McGavin


C3. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders as a Mobilizer in Education Change: Protective Factors for Youth with FASD

Presenters: Mike Dean, Holly Szumowski and Nicole Downey (Keewatin Patricia District School Board)

Presentation: “FASD as a Mobilizer in Education Change: The Keewatin-Patricia Experience” by Mike Dean, Holly Szumowski and Nicole Downey


C4. Building Capacity: Digital Learning for 21st Century Youth

Presenters: Marg Stanowski and Mark Schuler


C5. Decision Making based on Research rather than Ideology or Whim

Presenters: Dr. Seref Onder and Dave Farthing

Presentation: “Effective Programming Initiative” by Youth Justice Services Division, Ministry of Children and Youth Services


C6. Young Adult Offenders in Provincial and Federal Custody

Presenters: Leah Crowell, Terri Scott and Leslie-Ann Keown

Presentation: “Incarcerated Young Adults in Nova Scotia: Context & Crossroads” by Leah Crowell

Presentation: “An Examination of Younger Adult Offenders in Federal Custody” by Leslie-Anne Keown, PH.D. and Terri Scott, Ph.D. (Correctional Service Canada)


Keynote Panel: Reconciliation: The Path Forward

Presentation: “Reconciliation: The Path Forward” by Police Constable Monica Rutledge (Toronto Police Service)


Keynote Speaker: Robb Nash Project

Friday, October 27, 2017

Keynote Address: Youth Films and TIFF with Dr. Jim Cullen


Concurrent Sessions (D)

D1. Countering Radicalization and Community Intervention Models

Presenters: Kelly Gallant, Toronto Police Services and Scott McKean, City of Toronto

Presentation: “Understanding and Countering Violent Extremism: A Collaborative Approach” by Kelly Gallant (Toronto Police Services)


D2. How Do We Stop the Growth of Youth Gangs?

Presenters: Kelli Stevens, Michelle Prud’Homme and Luke Smith

Presentation: “Youth Gang Prevention: Learning from Conceptualization to Implementation” by Kelli Stevens

Presentation: “How we engage gang-affiliated youth: Taking clinical practice to the streets to engage ‘the un-engageable’” by Luke Smith and Michelle Prud’Homme (Youturn)


D3. Early Intervention: The Key to Prevention

Presenters: Dr. Leena Augimeri, Che Latchford, Gillian Bowerman and Kitt Chathaboune

Presentation: “Crime Prevention Starts in Elementary School: Integrated School Support Program (ISSP)” by Gillian Bowerman & Kitt Chanthaboune (Calgary Police Service)


D4. Speciality Session: Centennial College Mock Court Experiential Learning at Old City Hall


D5. Restorative Justice: At Work in Community & Secure Custody

Presenters: Bruce Schenk, Serge Charbonneau and Don Clairmont

Presentation: “Restorative Practice Framework: A Relational Focus to Guide Our Practice” by Bruce Schenk (International Institute for Restorative Practices)

Presentation: « Développement de la justice réparatrice et normes de pratiques: Autoréglementation et demandes institutionnelles » par Serge Charbonneau (Regroupement des Organismes de Justice Alternative du Québec)


D6. Cannabis: A New Frontier

Moderator: Laura Pisko

Presenters: Deputy Chief Steven D. Johnson and Robert Solomon

Presentation: “A New Frontier: The Washington State experience in legalization and pending implications for Canada” by Steven D. Johnson, Deputy Chief, Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board

Presentation: “Bill C-45: Pot, Politics & Public Health” by Robert Solomon (Western University)


D7. Stop Ignoring the Warning Signs

Presenters: Lance Dudar and Wendy Stone

Presentation: “A Targeted Collaborative Approach to Crime Prevention, Reduction & Community Well-Being” by Lance Dudar and Wendy Stone (TRIP: The Regina Intersectoral Partnership)


Keynote Address: Helping Our Youth Succeed and Overcome Barriers

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