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Issue 34.4



By irving Kulik, CCJA Executive Director


Canadian Criminal Justice Association -2019: Our First 100 Years
By irving Kulik, CCJA Executive Director


Presidents of the Canadian Criminal Justice Association
By irving Kulik, CCJA Executive Director

Obituaries – John Braithwaite (1993-2019) and William (Bill) F. Foster


The Challenges of an Aging Population in Ontario Correctional Facilities
By Yoko Murphy, Andrea Monteiro & Howard Sapers

Reporting on a growing proportion of older inmates in correctional facilities in Ontario, the authors highlight a number of ensuing health- and accommodation-related challenges (terminal illness and dementia) for Corrections. Noting innovations such as Alzheimer-related programs and early-release strategies developed in the US and a peer-support inmate service in British Columbia, co-authors Murphy, Monteiro and Sapers here call on Canadian Corrections to develop a comprehensive older/elderly inmate strategy that includes a geriatric-release component.


A Response to the Implementation of Bill C-83
Par Ritchy Dubé

Ritchy Dubé has a BA from Laurentian University and a Diploma in Addictions from McMaster University. Dube founded a company to help ex-offenders find work and an NGO (Y.O.U.T.H.S.) for the prevention of substance abuse and crime. “Since the mid-’90s, Dubé has delivered more than 200 seminars to over 50,000 people on the evils of substance abuse and crime. He also wrote The Haven. It may prove to be his most enduring contribution to society. And it’s an engaging read”(Melnitzer, 2002,). Dube is also known for developing an anti-oppressive liberation language for former offenders and for his policy brief to the Senate – Ex-Conism (Senate Brief – 2012).


Petit portrait du populisme pénal
By Alexandre Audesse
Canada Research Chair in Legal Traditions and Penal Rationality
PhD Candidate – Criminology (University of Ottawa)

Populism is spreading throughout the world, gradually infiltrating our democracies and causing tsunamis of harmful policies. Focusing on the particular inflection of populism in criminal justice, this article summarizes the results of a study documenting the populist aspects of the Stephen Harper government’s work in the penal system. Far from limiting itself to the criminal justice policies of Harper’s government, this article attempts, more broadly, to provide a better understanding of the realities underlying populist waves and the shifts that they can lead to in terms of criminal justice. In short, this is a brief overview of penal populism.


The Perils of “Protection”: Sex Workers’ Experiences with Law Enforcement
By Sandra Ka Hon Chu
Sandra Ka Hon Chu is the Director of Research and Advocacy at the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network, where she works on HIV-related human rights issues concerning prisons, harm reduction, sex work, women, and immigration.

In 2018, the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network interviewed 22 sex workers and 6 key informants from across Ontario to learn about their recent experiences with law enforcement. Interviewees described increasingly pervasive surveillance from law enforcement who employ an array of laws and policies – criminal, immigration,
human trafficking, municipal, child protection and drug related – to monitor, interrogate, harass, detain, ticket, arrest, charge and deport sex workers. This has had significant negative impacts on sex workers’ health, safety and livelihood. Calling for the repeal of sex work-specific criminal laws, Sandra Ka Hon Chu argues that the
PCEPA’s framing of sex workers as victims has created a popular misconception that sex workers are protected by law enforcement and that the reality experienced by sex workers is much different.


Theodore’s Place Healing Home for Crime Survivors: A Promise Kept
Par Margot Van Sluytman, Poete, B.A., M.A.

Margot Van Sluytman (The Sawbonna Project) continues to fulfil a promise she made to her murdered father, that his death would not be in vain. In this article, Van Sluytman reveals the launching of her newly established retreat for victims of crime: Theodore’s Place Healing Home for Crime Survivors. It is currently a virtual space but will eventually be a day retreat in Ontario where crime survivors will be welcomed into community.

Opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the Association’s views, but are included to encourage reflection and action on the criminal justice system throughout Canada.

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