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Canadian Criminal Justice Association (CCJA-ACJP) Association canadienne de criminologie et de justice pénale Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice (CJCCJ) Revue canadienne de criminologie et de justice pénale


March 2023


The Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice (CJCCJ) is currently
inviting applications for the position of Book Reviews Editor (English). The position
begins immediately. This call for applications will remain open until August 1, 2023.
The Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice publishes coverage of the
theoretical and scientific aspects of the study of crime and the practical problems of law
enforcement, administration of justice and the treatment of offenders, particularly in the
Canadian context. Available in online only, CJCCJ is owned by CCJA and published
quarterly by UTP. The journal accepts and publishes both French and English manuscripts
and book reviews.

The Book Reviews Editor (English) will be responsible for working with publishers to
secure books to review; matching and distributing those books to reviewers; and editing
and submitting the reviews to the CJCCJ book review secretary for inclusion on the List of
Book Reviews (English Books) published in the CJCCJ. The associated reviews are
published simultaneously in the Book Reviews section of CCJA’s website.


The book review secretary sends the List of Book Reviews to UTP for copyediting and
layout and coordinates proofing prior to final publication. The CJCCJ anticipates five
books being reviewed for each issue of the Journal.

Those interested in applying for this voluntary position should submit a current curriculum
vitae and a brief statement highlighting any previous editorial experience and ongoing
scholarly interest in the field of criminal justice.

Please email your CV and letter to the BR Secretary at


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